Hannah Copley

Hannah Copley is a lecturer in creative writing at the University of Westminster. She completed her PhD at Leeds, where she researched the poetry of Geoffrey Hill, Jon Silkin and Tony Harrison. Her poems have been published widely and she recently won the Newcastle Poetry Prize.

Hannah Copley's work featured in Stand Magazine comprises two leading articles, three contributions of poetry, five articles, and three reviews, over a period of 14 years.
Further Reading
Poetry Collection in Stand 195, 10(3) (2011) Two Poems
Review in Stand 196, 10(4) (2011) Review
Article in Stand 199, 11(3) (2013) Committed Rootlessness: The Anglo-Jewish Perspective and Rhetoric of Jon Silkin
Leading in Stand 200, 11(4) (2013) Editorial: A Dual Perspective
Poetry Collection in Stand 203, 12(3) (2014) Poem
Poetry Collection in Stand 214, 15(2) (2017) Poem
Review in Stand 219, 16(3) (2018) Review
Review in Stand 222, 17(2) (2019) Review
Article in Stand 230, 19(2) (2021) Editorial
Leading in Stand 234, 20(2) (2022) Editorial
Article in Stand 238, 21(2) (2023) Editorial
Article in Stand 243, 22(3) (2024) Editorial
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