Steve McOrmond

Steve McOrmond is the author of four collections of poetry, most recently Reckon (Brick Books, 2018). His debut collection, Lean Days (Wolsak and Wynn, 2004), was a finalist for the Gerald Lampert Award for best first book of poetry in Canada. He has an MA in English (Creative Writing) from the University of New Brunswick and is a past recipient of the Milton Acorn Award and the P. K. Page Founders’ Award for Poetry. His work has appeared in Acumen and Poetry Daily and has been anthologized in Best Canadian Poetry in English and Breathing Fire 2: Canada’s New Poets. He lives in Toronto. X/Twitter: @Steve_McOrmond. Instagram: @smcormond.

Steve McOrmond's website can be found at

Steve McOrmond's work featured in Stand Magazine comprises one contribution of poetry.
Further Reading
Poetry Collection in Stand 243, 22(3) (2024) Two Poems
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